Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My Birthing Story...My Lost Battle

"A Baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a Blooming Flower".I was in my last trimester,round as a ball,uncomfortable as a squashed potato,forever hungry as if fasting and forgetful like a baby.Also looked clumsy.But trust me the attention that a huge clumsy pregnant woman gets is no mean feat.Just imagine its little squeal when the baby reaches your arms and you wonder in amazement "Was this little one inside your belly all along?"
          I was in my 35th week just visited my midwife couple of days back coming home to the fact that there was still time for the big day.I was working from the first week till this day when i felt that i should start pampering myself  and start nesting.So I took a break from work and started shopping for the baby.I was at my moms place and had not done any preparations for the D-Day as I thought there was still time. On 11th March Midnight my membranes released (Water Broke) and instinctively I knew my hospital stay was going to begin tonight.At around 3 a.m I was already at the hospital with no dilation at all.All my family members and my husband were around all the time. At around 10 a.m I was administered a drug and I threw up.I panicked.They said this was just to hasten the dilation whereas i was not dilated at all. Due to the panic attack post the drug my dilation completely stopped.For the next few hours I felt no progress at all. At the same time I saw ladies in labor and they been taken to the Operation Theater.I again panicked why it was not happening to me.There were several test on and off but no progress with my dilation. I even remember drinking a whole bottle of castor oil to get into natural labor but it just didn't happen.At around 6 p.m in the evening my doctor came-in and said she would be taking me in for C-Section as my water was drying and labor was not happening and any further delay would pose a risk to my baby.
       Within minutes I remember being wheeled into the OT.I was scared as they didn't allow any family members inside.There were mixed emotions.I always knew throughout I wanted to have give natural birth and I had a very healthy pregnancy and here I was 5 weeks early going in for C-Section.Now I had to fight with every ounce of energy.My baby came out poked and prodded and was at the neonatology before being given to me.I was awake but could not latch my baby as i had so wanted always within the first few minutes of his birth.
      I had trouble establishing a good latch.I had stitches that hurt like as if death was better.I have a scar on my soul for life that my baby could never latch and was Formula Fed forever.Now have chosen to be stronger.To inspire women to take care and control of their birthing process.To help woman to not repeat the mistakes I made.To spread love and awareness from one woman To other.
       Now I've bounced back and enjoying the things I always wanted to after my delivery.....Sneeze comfortably...Laughing so that me and my tummy don't look like two separate entities....Sleeping on my stomach....Drinking Tea that i had avoided throughout my pregnancy...Eat Chinese and Pani Puri....And last but not the least Jump and Dance my Heart Out.
          And to conclude my motherhood has been the phase my life.